
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Spring Clean the Winter Blues Away

A little spring cleaning today can make the winter blues go away.

Depending on where you live, this time of year can leave people feeling trapped with the winter blues. If you're not fortunate enough to take a mid-winter vacation to a tropical island or a state/country that enjoys 80 degree weather all year 'round, try a different method to brighten your mood ~ spring cleaning.

Before you start rolling your eyes, keep reading! Even if you aren't a "cleaner," and cringe when you hear the word, this can work. Start with one drawer in one room, like the junk drawer in your kitchen or office (you know you have one somewhere ~ we all do!).  File or throw away coupons that you put aside months ago. Put loose coins into a saving jar. Make a file for your kids' school papers. Place receipts into a zip-loc bag. Tame unruly cell phone charging cords with a twisty tie or rubber band. Once you have emptied the drawer, thrown away the garbage, and organized what's left, carefully place the "keep" items back into the drawer.

Now take a step back. Don't you feel a little better? A little "lighter?" If you answered "No," keep cleaning. I promise your mood will improve.

Next, go to the cabinet under the kitchen or bathroom sink. Throw away old, empty bottles that you forgot you had. Toss the old, dusty rags (that you haven't touched since the last time you dusted) into the washing machine. Once all the hair products or cleaning supplies are out, get a damp rag and clean the bottom of the cabinet before placing the items back in.

Now, open your coat closet. Is it full of coats and filled with a musty smell? Pull out any coats that haven't been used in a few years and place them in a "donation" bag. Vacuum or sweep the floor of the closet. Now, to get rid of the musty smell, try this trick: tape a fabric softener sheet somewhere in the closet. I tape one (not so discretely) to the top of the molding piece inside the closet. This way, every time the door is opened, the scented sheet swings and freshens the air. When the door is closed, it ensures the coats will stay fresh. Replace the fabric softener sheet about once a week.

These spring cleaning jobs are EASY! They don't take a lot of time, but the little time that you spend can help boost your mood. Doesn't it make you feel better, and your home to seem fresher, when things are clean and organized? It's easy to make sure the dishes are put away, beds are made, and the living room is clean. So why not challenge yourself and see if cleaning out those junk drawers and closets that don't usually get attention will help you break out of the winter blues.

And if you're still not convinced, book a trip to Hawaii!

Spring Cleaning

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Time For A Techno Self Check

Life goes by fast, but not staying up on technology trends will leave you in the dust.

In today's economy, a good job that you love and are well qualified for can be hard to come by and difficult to hold on to. Technology is replacing many jobs that were once thought of as mainstream, leaving well-educated men and women wondering what to do next.

Use technology to stay afloat on the new trends that seem to appear daily. Don't let the new apps and gadgets scare you. Instead, learn how to use them to your advantage. Get onto Google and type in the name of an app that interests, frustrates, or annoys you. Download a tutorial and read up on how to put it to use. Invest some money in an upgraded phone, computer software, or tablet and learn their functions. Check out other social media trends that seem to be taking over society. The fact is, they're not going away. They're only improving!

While technology makes life easier, it can also be used against us. Remember that today, anyone can be a detective. Employers are going to do their research before hiring and if your night on the town is displayed with raunchy photos on your Facebook page or fowl language on your Twitter account, you might look less desirable than what your resume portrays. So, while you are enjoying the ease of online sharing with your social media BFFs, keep in mind that you are also marketing yourself to the business world (whether you intend to or not). Don't post anything online today that might embarrass you tomorrow. Always put your best self out there, because you never know who is watching!

Techno Self Check

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Break Through Your Glass Ceiling

For years, without knowing, I've built a glass room:
Four walls and a ceiling, but no room to bloom.
I know there's more to me than what meets the eye,
So I'm going to be brave; new things will I try
~ Stacy Coles

We all know about the figurative glass ceiling in the corporate world. But there is also a glass ceiling in our personal world. A barrier we make ourselves that we, alone, have the power to break through.

It becomes so easy to limit ourselves when we get into a comfort zone. Not many people like the idea of change or trying something new. But, if we sit idle in our everyday routine, we don't grow. We need to dig down deep and find what our true potential is.

Think about what you do daily, whether you are busy at home with kids or work a 9 to 5 job. Then, ask yourself if you're happy doing what you're doing. If you are, think of what you could do to step it up. There's always something we can do to challenge ourselves. If you aren't happy, decide what you would rather be doing or think of something else you'd like to try. Once you have an idea in mind, take actions to make it happen.

Some may decide to change careers. Others may just want to change their attitude about what they're doing. Our personal glass ceilings are as unique as we are. Because of this, it's up to us to break through the barrier that keeps us from reaching our full potential. Once those barriers are broken, the sky is the limit to reinvent ourselves. Not a total transformation ~ just take what's already great about you and make it fabulous!
Glass Ceiling