
Friday, June 1, 2012

A Teacher's Influence

Another school year has ended and summer vacations begin! I would like to give a shout-out to all the teachers who give their time, talents, and patience to their students throughout each school year.

I think it's great when my kids come home on the last day of school with tears in their eyes and mopey faces. What a great tribute to their teachers when kids are this sad that the year has ended because they are going to miss those teachers they grew to love and respect over the last eight months. And ~ once I make sure the sad faces are not because they are dreading the summer days at home with me ~ I want to say, "Thank you, teachers!"
  • Thank you for loving these students while they were in your care throughout the day.
  • Thank you for the time you put into planning the daily lessons in a way students would be sure to get the most out of them.
  • Thank you for realizing that all students do not learn the same way.
  • Thank you for the projects that required (or "suggested") parental guidance. This helped me get things right that I did wrong when I was the student (of course ... I was on the sidelines "suggesting" the right way to my child).
Teachers are such a big part of students' lives, and not just during the school year. The influence of a teacher reaches far beyond the walls of a classroom. It's important for teachers to remember this before they set foot in the classroom. Their words can be hurtful or can build confidence in their students for years to come.

The best teachers are those who make each student feel like he/she is the favorite, but does not play favorites. When students know their teacher loves them, they are excited about going to school and anxious to learn. When teachers make learning fun, students soak in the information like a sponge and yearn for more. When the teacher enforces respect in the classroom, students feel safe and know they have a support group.

So, "Thanks!" to all those teachers who have been a positive influence to my children throughout their years of school so far. And "Thanks!" to the wonderful teachers I had in the past whose encouraging and motivating words have influenced me throughout my life.
A Teacher's Influence


  1. I've been a substitute teacher for the past thirteen years so I have an appreciation for teachers everywhere. There are some really good ones and some less than average but they all put up with too much these days. Once in a while they get thanked or some small reward. If you are a teacher, bless you for your dedicated service!
