
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Change Your State of Mind

If you don't like your situation, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
~ Mary Englebreit

Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, as we all know. Even the most organized person (I know you're out there) doesn't always have things go as planned. So, when we can't change the situation, we have to learn to change our way of thinking.

I often find myself repeating my late mother's words of wisdom to my own children. She was a woman who always had a positive way of looking at things. And when she had scared, nervous, or whiny kids, she talked us through a different way of thinking until our attitude was better ~ no matter what the situation!

Recently, my frazzled and nervous junior high student was preparing for her first day of school. She tried to hold back tears while eating breakfast and told me she no longer wanted to go to school. I asked her, "What's the worst thing that can happen today?" "My locker might not open," she replied. I gently reminded her how many times she had practiced her locker combination. She was a pro. I had no doubt that she would be fine.

This new seventh grader couldn't change the situation that school was starting, but by the time we pulled up in front of the school, she was finally able to change her thinking. Instead of imagining all the things that could go wrong, together, we came up with solutions to possible problems.

After school, she came to the car with an air of confidence and a big, beautiful smile on her face. That was a sad, yet proud, moment that made me realize how grown up she was.

I am grateful for the many words of wisdom I received from my mother. I know I had plenty of times when self-doubt and insecurity got the best of me and my attitude plummeted. But, my mother never let me sulk in self-pity. And to this day, when things go wrong, I try to look for a bright side. It's not always easy, but changing your state of mind is often the best way to make the most of any situation.
State Of Mind


  1. That's very true. It's a matter of thinking positive and doing your best with what you have.

  2. Sound advice. Make the best of every situation. We also have to accept help when we need it.
